Donnerstag, 8. Januar 2009

Day 8

Oh i`m so silly, few minutes ago, I think "oh havn`t made a photo today", I say it to Katrin, you know her from yesterday *lol*
I say "ok I bought something today, from this I can take a photo", thought and done.
Load the photos on the Laptop and see I HAS made a photo today, but I forgot it.
So you`ll see two photos from this day *lol*

Louis doesn`t want to go out *gg*
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and this game, I bought today
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

10 Kommentare:

  1. haha you sound like me.. I lose everything from thoughts to stuff... Cute photos! my girls do the same
    I love the look of that game :)
    Happy 365er day!

  2. Hi, mein erster Besuch bei Dir, und bestimmt nicht mein letzter! Tolle Bilder, gut zu wissen, daß etwas weiter im Norden auch Schnee liegt! Du hast tolle Bilder. Richtig gelacht hab ich über dein Bild deines Skype-Gesprächs! Klasse idee!
    Bis morgen
    Hi, my first visit to your blog, and it will not be my last. Good to know that further north there is snow too. You have great pics, I really laughed at the one of your skype conversation! Great idea
    CU tomorrow

  3. Ooh, that Monopoly looks vintage! I'm going to be on the lookout for the "A Christmas Story" Monopoly next year. :)

  4. Wow, deine Bilder sind klasse! Werd sicherlich öfter mal reinschauen!

  5. How cute is that!! And I love the way the Monopoly game is set up.. Thanks for sharing! Can't wait to see more photos!

  6. heehee sooo cute!! I love the monopoly box!!

  7. bin grad so am surfen und grad so über deinen blog gestolpert, klasse bilder, schau bestimmt wieder mal rein

  8. Wonderful pictures!! This looks like my livingroom, I have the exact same floor:)
