Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009

Day 15

A little bit late today, but just in time :)

Lool, my son... Don`t find words sometimes, for the things he do!!
Today after Kindergarten it was time for midday sleep.
I heared him through the door, that he didn`t sleep, anything he did, but don`t know what, only heared it....
Anyway, one time I go to look if he is now sleeping, open the door and saw this...

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He took ALL of his books out of his book box and his bedding out of his bed*grrrrrr* and slep in the middle of the room *lol*

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Crazy little guy!! Just like his mother *gg*

6 Kommentare:

  1. LOL Aww....that's so sweet. My girls haven't done that in a long time. So cute when they do!

  2. This is adorable, what a cute story & the picture is perfect. This will be a fun one to scrap too :)

  3. Oh my but this is precious! Love it!

  4. My boys do that too, only unfortunately they no longer fall asleep! They call it a picnic, and have all the teddy bears join them there!
    GREAT picture
    CU tomorrow

  5. das ist ja echt zu süß *g* wie er es sich dort bequem gemacht hat *kicher*

    bis morgen dann

  6. Das ist ja total süss! Sieht aber recht bequem aus!
